It's so easy to make yoghurt in Darwin:
- Buy a pot of live yoghurt.
- Eat most of it.
- Put the rest into a large pot.
- Top up with milk.
- Leave out on the table overnight.
Keep the culture going by doing the same thing each time using your home made yoghurt - keep a tiny bit and top it up with milk to make a new batch.
My first batch was a bit of a disaster though. I rushed to take a look at it in the morning to see if it had worked and it resembled moving stracciatella.
The hyper ants had taken up residence and were tucking in before I'd had a chance to.
So if you live in Darwin, make sure you stand the pot in a bowl of water, creating a moat that the hyper ants cant cross!
I'll write some more on these wierd hyper ants in another post.