Friday, 1 March 2013

I spoke too soon!!!

Cullen Bay Marina
Not about the cyclone, luckily!  That was apparently supposed to arrive here yesterday, according to what someone had heard on the radio.  However, apart from some black clouds and a bit of rain, it is reasonably calm here. 

No, I mean about Mr Bedsprings!!!  It started again this morning, although a lot quieter than last time, he must have taken notice of me banging on the ceiling with the mop handle!!!

It really is humid today, it's such an effort to get ready and go out into the big wide sauna, but if you don't, you spend your whole life shut up indoors.

Yesterday a friend invited me over to Cullen Bay for beers on the terrace overlooking the marina and the sea.  It really is beautiful there with all the palms and exotic planting.

View of the sea from the terrace

There were some beautiful green, blue and orange parakeets squabbling and squawking away in the tree near the balcony.

Waiting at the bus stop to go back to my city centre rabbit warren with its view across the carpark (but for which I pay 350$ less PER WEEK), the guy waiting next to me suddenly burst into what looked like a cross between the highland fling and a breakdance.  Leaping about and smacking himself on the legs, I tried to stifle my laughter.

"Ants?", I volunteered with a grin.  He shot me a look, but bit his tongue and gave me a civil answer.

"Green ants or *@¿! ants".  I didn't catch what he said and didn't like to bother him to repeat it as he was busy leaping around.  I looked down at the pavement and saw a trail of big ants, sure enough they had large green bottoms.  "Must be green ants", I replied, stepping quickly sideways.

The bus arrived and I was surprised at how the driver said good morning to each of the passengers as they got on - that definitely wouldn't happen in Harlow (UK), or Motril (Spain) for that matter!  And I was even more surprised when he waved me on saying: "It's free, no charge".  Apparently it's to promote the area.  We drove off with the Blues playing over the bus speakers.

On the telly today it said that Summer is now officially over in Australia (summer is from 1st December to 28th February).  I don't think that means a lot for the Territorians (and us adopted Territorians) as people here say it doesn´t start cooling down until April/May time.  Up here in the tropical Northern Territory it seems there are just two seasons, the wet season and the dry season, although the Jawoyn indigenous people of the Northern Territory have 6 seasons:

Jiorrk, the wet season - January to February.
Bungarung, the end of the rains - March to mid-April.
Jungalk, the hot start of the dry period, - mid-April to the end of May.
Malaparr, the cooler, middle part of the dry period - June to the end of August.
Worrwopmi, the humid time -September to the end of October.
Wakaringding, the humid time when the first rains start -November until the end of December.

These guys know their stuff!

Ancient Aboriginal Rock Painting of Emus